Credit King Instant Personal Loan App APK

Credit King Instant Personal Loan App APK

Credit King Instant Personal Loan App is the top Android apps with over 100 download from Google Play. This is the popular product of SP FINANCES.

APK file size of this app is 8.1M, and we suggest you use the Wi-fi connection when download to save your 3G data. Credit King Instant Personal Loan App works with Android "4.4" and higher version, so please check your system before install. Of course this is the best apps with average rate point is 3 and 11 of 5 stars rate.

Latest update of apps is 2021-05-03, if you have any trouble with Credit King Instant Personal Loan App, feel free to go SP FINANCES website and contact to developer. We hope you enjoyed this apps and rate it or share with your friends on Facebook, Twitter.


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✔Loan Information •We provide the latest and most popular low interest rate cash loan products on the market.You can choose to download. Here, you can always see the latest and fast credit loan products, as well as the official loan details, so that you can fast choose the product that suits you.

✔Product Details • Loan amount: ‎₹ 2,000.00 - ‎₹ 50,000.00 • Loan term: 91 days (shortest, including renewal time) - 360 days (longest, including renewal time) • Maximum APR: 36% • Transaction Fee: 0 • Service Fees: processing fee , loyalty fee(per transaction) .Minimum 0%, Maximum 20% • Interest Calculation – If your loan amount is ₹ 10,000, APR is 20%,service fee is 10% and the term is 91 days. on the due date, the amount payable is ₹ 11,498.6 (10,000 20% / 365 91 + 10,000 + 10,000*10%)

✔Article of Flexi Loan •We provide the latest loan process and tips to help you better understand the loan products, and how to fill in the relevant information so that the loan app can be easy approved by the reviewer.

✔Exchange of Experience •We provide a reply function in each article, where you can exchange ideas, and share other user's experiences of online cash loan.

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