Digital Sound Meter is the top Android apps with over 1.000.000 download from Google Play.
This is the popular product of Top Apps Muse.
APK file size of this app is 2.1M, and we suggest you use the Wi-fi connection when download to save your 3G data. Digital Sound Meter works with Android "2.3" and higher version, so please check your system before install. Of course this is the best apps with average rate point is PEGI 3 and 51000 of 5 stars rate. You can view the screenshots below for more detail.
Latest update of apps is 2015-05-09, if you have any trouble with Digital Sound Meter, feel free to go Top Apps Muse website(GO) and contact to developer. We hope you enjoyed this apps and rate it or share with your friends on Facebook, Google+ or Twitter.
See more: Mod Pixelmon DanTDM MCPE APK
This sound meter use the iphone integrated microphone to display the sound level in decibel.
Features: Display of the average and peak levels with a bargraph and with a numeric LCD display. Works the iPhone 3,4 and 5, the integrated microphone of the first generation of iphone is not recommended you should use the included headset microphone.
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